The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Action plan for implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2014-2017 (local version) on its 104th session, July 8 2014.


This Action plan was made in full cooperation of Agency for Gender Equality and institutions represented in Coordination board for monitoring AP, and with consultations with NGOs. Expert and technical support to making the Plan was provided by Institute for Inclusive Security within the „Resolution to Act“ program and UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In accordance with recommendations of independent evaluation of implementation of former Action plan, the structure for the new Action plan for the period 2014-2017 was established. Former plan had 8 goals. In order to make implementation of new AP more effective, these goals are grouped into three basic categories in compliance with UN Resolution 1325: equal participation, prevention and protection. That ensured clearer definition of strategic and midterm objectives, expected results, but also formulating concrete, result-oriented activities. In such way, system of establishing indicators for monitoring Action plan was simplified, as well as system of collecting data necessary for making annual reports about implementation of Plan.

In the new structure, protection and prevention are ensured through strategic goal 2: Increased level of human security. This introduced a whole new concept into Action plan, a concept that is based on a fact that security does not mean only protection of the state or institution, but also individuals or groups from the threats they face daily. Human security approach opened the way towards introducing gender equality principles into security sector since it enabled qualitatively different way of considering security on all the levels of power in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in local communities, but also to offer new solutions that would raise the level of security of citizens on a higher level.


Also, new structure kept all the goals from previous Action plan, with the difference that priority areas are included in strategic goals 1 and 2, while third strategic goal („horizontal goal“) contains transversal („cross-cutting“) areas that are equally important for accomplishment of first two strategic goals. This refers to improving the mechanisms of coordination, instruments for implementation of Action plan and cooperation with other stakeholders (local governments, NGOs, international organizations).